The Family Academy of Bethesda

The Family Academy will be closed Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of President's Day.

The World of FAB

Founded in 1975, The Family Academy of Bethesda started as a ‘home’ that took care of infants in the nearby neighborhoods of Bethesda. The once ‘family daycare’ still remains in its original home and office. Hence the name ‘Family Academy’. As more and more children enrolled, the ‘family’ grew to become a ‘center’. In 1999, the Montessori Method was introduced, and Family Academy graduated to a Private School, approved by the Maryland Department of Education in 2000.

The program was so successful that the school had to expand beyond the premises of 4324 Montgomery Avenue to accommodate the growing waitlist.

Our programs


Ages 6 weeks to 9 months

Jr. Toddlers

Ages 9 months to 15

Toddler Camp

Ages 15 months to 24

Montessori Toddlers

Ages 2 to 3 years


Ages 2.5 to 6 years

Our Montessori Program

Practical Life

The Practical life exercises allow the child to develop a meaningful degree of independence and self -discipline. It  also sets a pattern for a lifetime of good work habits and a sense of responsibility.

Sensorial Exercise

The sensorial exercises are designed to help the child focus his/her attention more carefully on the physical world, exploring with each of his/her senses, the subtle variations in the properties of objects.


A whole language approach to reading, composition, and literature is used in the Montessori classroom. Dr. Montessori’s research confirmed that children learn best by touch and manipulation

An Authentic Montessori Experience

Flexible programs designed for busy families that want to learn, grow, and succeed.


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