The Family Academy of Bethesda

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Montessori Bethesda

In the Montessori classroom, the child is given freedom to choose his work ‘within the guided rules’. The child is made to understand what is expected of him. He learns to make choices from freedom to concentration to “self-discipline”. Thus, the child works to enjoy the benefits of the materials in front of him/absorbs and concentrates and attains his goal of learning.

The child is exposed to a wide range of educational opportunities and activities in the Montessori environment. Areas of discovery include :

Practical Life

The Practical Life exercises allow the child to develop a meaningful degree of independence and self-discipline. It also sets a pattern for a lifetime of good work habits and a sense of responsibility.

This process helps them develop an inner sense of order and a higher ability to concentrate and follow a complex sequence of steps.

The sensorial exercises are designed to help the child focus his/her attention more carefully on the physical world, exploring with each of his/her senses, the subtle variations in the properties of objects.

Sensorial Exercise


A whole language approach to reading, composition, and literature is used in the Montessori classroom. Dr. Montessori’s research confirmed that children learn best by touch and manipulation, not repeating what they are told. Her manipulative approach to teaching reading is as painless and simple a process as learning to speak.

As soon as children, no matter how young they are, show the slightest interest, we begin to teach them how to read by introducing them to phonics. When they are ready they pull it together and are able to read and write on their own.

Montessori students use hands-on learning materials that make abstract concepts clear and concrete. This approach offers a logical strategy for helping students understand and develop a sound foundation in math and geometry. We use the “Unified Math” which introduces the students to the fundamentals of arithmetic, geometry and algebra. We do not arbitrarily separate arithmetic, algebra plane, and solid geometry. They are all integrated into the math curriculum. The entire purpose of the Montessori math curriculum is to make the abstract concrete until the child can visualize mathematical processes at work. Step by step, the materials become less concrete and more symbolic.



Science is an integral element of the Montessori curriculum. Among other things, it represents a way of life: a clear-thinking approach to gathering information and problem-solving. The scope of the Montessori science curriculum includes a sound introduction to botany, zoology, physics, chemistry, geology and astronomy.

We are all members of the human family. Our roots lie in the distant past, and history is the story of our common heritage. Our goal is to develop a global perspective and study history and world cultures. As early as three years of age the students work with specially designed maps and learn names of the continents and countries.

History, Geography and Cultural Activities

Foreign Language

Spanish is introduced as a foreign language to develop an appreciation for different cultures and languages of the world we live in.


Learn about the Montessori

This video discusses the three year-cycle of Montessori and its importance in the early years.