The Family Academy of Bethesda

We are accepting enrollments at this time. Please contact us: call 301-656-5437 or email


As a clearinghouse for all things Montessori, we at AMS often find ourselves fielding questions from the general public. Though there are differences in who is doing the asking—we hear from parents, college students, reporters, and school board members, among others—many similar themes emerge. Here are some of the things we’re asked about most often. I have seen only Montessori preschools. Are there Montessori schools for older children as well? Dr. Montessori first developed her

Learn why the Montessori kindergarten year—the third and final year of the Montessori Early Childhood cycle—is a foundation for life. By American Montessori Society

One of my favorite commercials, even though it is simple and sentimental, is the MasterCard ad that shows family time or human interactions and calls them priceless. To me, Montessori education is priceless in the same way. It is beautiful, comprehensive, and, in its most authentic form, a treasure of experiences that leads a child to absorb the wonder and joy of learning. Montessori education is paced to meet the needs of the child. The

Day care has become a necessity for the modern parents. Most of us are juggling busy lifestyles so that we can provide our children with the best. However, even if we are stay home mums, putting our kids into day care, even for a couple of hours daily or a couple of days a week, can work wonders for our kid’s development. Today, care centres are professional and operated by qualified and educated individuals. Especially if you look for